Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"...the time is gone, the song is over, thought Id something more to say..."

I stopped thinking around a year ago.

Because I was just worried about my own thoughts and I did not want to give them any attention. I had lost faith in my own brain.

After a long time, because of course of the change I mentioned earlier, I have things to say. Loudly!

But, I figured out why I have not yet written things down. That's because I found a voice blog. When I have something to say, I just speak it out. I need to however find a way to find time to write, this way I do not have worry about losing precious thoughts. My voice blog doesn't store it all you know... and archiving is kind of a problem there.

His name is Sudhir.

1 comment:

Kasturi said...

Personal intrusions ;)